Women’s Health Services

Our Women’s Health Department offers a wide range of preventive health care and health maintenance services.  All areas of concern can be addressed.  We also offer preconception consultation.

Our module is staffed by Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner, Cassie Sayre.  Women’s Health Nurse Practitioners are skilled health professionals dedicated to providing high quality health care services to meet women’s needs throughout every stage of life.

Obstetrics Care


Our module provides support and hands on care for all of our OB patients.  We provide pregnancy test, initial OB care (including labs), scheduling ultrasounds, urine screens, and non-stress tests (used to monitor baby and contractions).

Labor and Delivery

For delivery we are able to send our women to Women and Children’s and The Birth Center in Charleston, and Camden Clark in Parkersburg.  This is made available thru collaborative agreements with their providers.

Postnatal Care

We provide services to our new moms after discharge from the delivering facility.   We attend to our moms for wound care and post-partum exams.

Family Planning Program

The Family Planning Program is a State funding program that may pay for all or part of an office visit.  The program is designed to help those who need an appointment to receive services with assistance.

Eligibility for this program include:

  • Under the age of 18 years OR
  • No insurance )such as Medicare, Medicaid or private insurance that does pay for a pap-smear or birth control)
  • Meets income guidelines for household
  • Wants to start, manage, or continue a birth control method

This program provides:

  • Pap smears
  • Pelvic Exams
  • Breast Exams
  • Birth Control
  • Preconception Counseling

Office Hours: 8:00-12:00 Wednesday


The West Virginia Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program is a state funded health program that helps uninsured or underinsured women gain access to breast and cervical cancer screening services.

Eligibility for this program:

  • 25 years or older
  • No insurance or medical card OR
  • Private insurance does not pay for such services

This program provides:

  • Pap smears
  • Pelvic exams
  • Breast exams
  • Mammograms


Cassie Sayre, WHNP-BC

Lisa Webb, LPN

Cindy Moats, Administrative Clerk

Consuelo Esparza, BCCSP Coordinator

Contact Us

(304) 927-1719