Stress Management

Stress is the mental and physical condition that occurs when we adjust or adapt to the environment. There are two kinds of stress: distress and eustress. Eustress is the kind that supports your life force and energy, helps you feel alive and productive. Activities that provoke the “good stress” a...

RCFHC Earns National Recognition for Patient-Centered Care

Patient-Centered Medical Home 2011 standards emphasize enhanced care through patient-clinician partnership. WASHINTON, DC- The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) today announced that Roane County Family Health Care of Spencer, WV has received Recognition from the Patient-Centered Med...

Wanting to plan a family…

The West Virginia Family Planning Program is here to help. The Women’s Health Clinic at Roane County Family Health Care can help you have control when pregnancy happens, which means having children when you are ready. Until you are ready, our Family Planning Program can help you make wise choices...

Diabetes Group Visits

Diabetes is a lifelong condition that can affect every aspect of a person’s life. Choices have to be made every day that should always include the thought “How will this affect my blood sugar?” People with diabetes face challenges everyday and are often bombarded with information that can be hard...


I would like to talk about “superbug” infections today. Superbugs are new strains of bacteria that we have no antibiotics to treat. There has been some recent media attention to report the troublesome growing number of superbugs from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC has iden...

The Community Health Center Innovations Project

Certified Mental Health Providers are in short supply state and nationwide. To provide needed services, Roane County Family Health Care (RCFHC) has addressed these issues with ingenuity and collaboration. We have applied staff initiative and a willingness to stretch what are considered to be our ...